How to duplicate a product
In order to help you add products to the site a little quicker and not have to build the additional information section each time I'd recommend duplicating products. I've set up your first product for each product type (e.g. homeware, card, accessories and personalised) so you should have one of each to start from.
If however you think you'll need to upload the product from scratch please view How to add a new product, which will give you a step by step guide.
Step 1 - Select an exisiting product to duplicate
Select Pages on the main navigation, and then select the relevant product category e.g. cards, homeware, accessories or personalised.
Double click on the product thumbnail that has the correct informaiton that you'd like to duplicate
Step 2 - update content
Update the Name, Images, Description, Tags and Categories fields so that it includes the correct information for your product.
Step 3 - Edit pricing and variants
Click the Pricing & Variants tab and edit any prices, variants, sizes, stock figures, weight and dimensions if you need to.
You shouldn't need to change the delivery section, however if you'd like to change the products that are displayed on the 'you may also like' block then hover over this section until you see the below then select 'edit' and update the categories and tags section as you wish.
Step 5 - OPTIONS
Select the options tab and ensure the thumbnail is the correct image (as this will be the image shown on the product lists) and isn't displaying the duplicated product and that the product url is your product title (i.e. doesn't have any random letters and numbers). The easiest way to update the url is to go to the ‘item’ tab, copy the product title and paste it into the url section on the ‘options’ tab.
Step 6 - Save
Click Save & Publish to publish the product to your Products Page. This sets the product as available for purchase.
Note: If you're adding a product that isn't available for purchase yet, click Save (but not Save & Publish) to keep the product Hidden until you're ready to list it. For more information, visit Scheduling products.